RUSH for GLORY Rush Royale

Rush Royale for Glory Event

Rush for Glory, Rush Royale, is one of the more interesting events of the game! You now have more control over the deck that you will play. You have 1 minute to choose your deck, hero and talents.

The game will ask you to select one card/unit from the 3 options shown, and it will be added to your deck. Repeat until you have selected 5 cards. Then you must choose one of three hero options. At the very end, you can view and change the card talents if needed.

The resulting deck will only be for this battle, there will be random card choices every time you play the event.

Your critical chance will be the same as your opponent for this battle. Your equipment and hero level will be different.

Created: June 2023

Last update: October 2023 – many images were eliminated due to article size issues.


Rush for Glory Rush Royale FAQ

Rush for Glory Rush Royale Tips & Info


  • A1. BLADE DANCER – Hex – Dryad – Portal Keeper – Harlequin (win) (images)
  • A2. BLADE DANCER – Sword – Dryad – Portal Keeper – Cold Mage (win)
  • A3. BLADE DANCER – Sword – Dryad – Portal Keeper – Frost (win)
  • A4. BLADE DANCER – Executioner – Dryad – Portal Keeper – Sword (NA)
  • A5. BLADE DANCER – Executioner – Dryad – Portal Keeper – Trapper (win)
  • A6. BLADE DANCER – Sword – Dryad – Portal Keeper – Catapult (win)
  • A7. BLADE DANCER – Dryad – Sword – Portal Keeper – Harlequin (win)
  • A8. BLADE DANCER – Statue – Dryad – Portal Keeper – Trapper (win)
  • A9. BLADE DANCER – Chemist – Dryad – Portal Keeper – Harlequin (NA)
  • A10. BLADE DANCER – Chemist – Dryad – Portal Keeper – Catapult (win)
  • A11. BLADE DANCER – Dryad – Stasis – Portal Keeper – Sword (win)
  • A12. BLADE DANCER – Harlequin – Dryad – Portal Keeper – Trapper (win)
  • A13. BLADE DANCER – Statue – Dryad – Portal Keeper – Cold Mage (win)


  • B1. CULTIST – Chemist – Dryad – Portal Keeper – Frost (win) (images)
  • B2. CULTIST – Chemist – Dryad – Portal Keeper – Frost (win)
  • B3. CULTIST – Dryad – Harlequin – Portal Keeper – Cold Mage (win)
  • B4. CULTIST – Chemist – Dryad – Portal Keeper – Sword (win)
  • B5. CULTIST – Statue – Dryad – Portal Keeper – Scrapper (loss)
  • B6. CULTIST – Sword – Dryad – Portal Keeper – Bombardier (win)
  • B7. CULTIST – Dryad – Harlequin – Portal Keeper – Bombardier (win)
  • B8. CULTIST – Sword – Dryad – Portal Keeper – Mime (win)
  • B9. CULTIST – Statue – Dryad – Portal Keeper – Cold Mage (win)


  • C1. INQUISITOR – Sword – Dryad – Scrapper – Harlequin (win) (images)
  • C2. INQUISITOR – Statue – Dryad – Portal Keeper – Trapper (win)
  • C3. INQUISITOR – Executioner- Dryad – Harlequin – Stasis (win)
  • C4. INQUISITOR – Statue – Scrapper – Harlequin – Frost (loss)


  • D1. DEMON HUNTER – Executioner – Summoner – Mime – Harlequin (loss) (images)
  • D2. DEMON HUNTER – Sword – Dryad – Cold Mage – Harlequin (win)
  • D3. DEMON HUNTER – Chemist – Harlequin – Summoner – Trapper (win)
  • D4. DEMON HUNTER – Statue – Summoner – Dryad – Trapper (win)


  • E1. MONK – Harlequin – Dryad – Portal Keeper – Summoner (loss) (images)
  • E2. MONK – Demonologist – Dryad – Portal Keeper – Trapper (win)
  • E3. MONK – Chemist – Dryad – Portal Keeper – Trapper (loss)
  • E4. MONK – Harlequin – Dryad – Portal Keeper – Scrapper (win)


  • F1. SHARPSHOOTER – Chemist – Harlequin – Bombardier – Dryad (win)
  • F2. BRUISER – Grindstone – Priestess – Stasis – Chemist (win) (images)
  • F3. BRUISER – Sword – Harlequin – Trapper – Dryad (win)
  • F4. BANSHEE – Chemist – Dryad – Portal Keeper – Harlequin (loss)
  • F5. BANSHEE – Sword – Dryad – Portal Keeper – Summoner (loss)

Rush for Glory Rush Royale FAQ

What are the rules for the Rush for Glory Rush Royale event? How do I play the event?

rush for glory rush royale rules

Is it worth playing the Rush for Glory Rush Royale event?

YES! For several reasons.

1. You will learn a lot about PvP by playing this event. You will lose a lot at the beginning, but that’s how you learn. Likewise, you can look at the damage stats after the battle and try to determine why you lost.

2. Some quests require you to play in Events.

3. You can receive some nice rewards just by playing (even if you lose). There is even a chance to get 1000 dust, which you can exchange for a legendary card!

rush for glory rush royale pass rewards

4. You can purchase unique items in the Rush for Glory shop, such as Minotaur and Necromancer!

rush for glory rush royale shop

5. You can purchase other items in the Rush for Glory shop, such as Epic Hero Fragments (Gadget anyone?) and Magic Dust!

Should I play in Arena (costs 1 ticket) or Leagues (2 tickets)?

In general, it is recommended you play in Leagues. You can play a few in Arena if you have never played before or if you always lose in Leagues.

A win in Arena will only give you 100 points, but if you win in Leagues, you get 300 points.

How can I get more tickets for free?

Click on the plus sign (+) next to the 0, and you will get the option to watch an ad and get a ticket. You can watch 2 ticket ads per day.

You get a free ticket every 4 hours. Also, you may purchase a ticket for 30 crystals.

Rush for Glory Rush Royale Tips & Info

Rush for Glory Rush Royale general tips

  • Play the Leagues option (2 tickets) if possible.
  • Watch the ads for more free tickets.
  • Don’t let the ticket count get to 3 (max amount), try to play when you get 2 tickets. This way, you are always generating more tickets (one every 4 hours).
  • Try to play as soon as the event starts because you start with 3 tickets.
  • Play decks that you have played before and are comfortable with. For me, it’s Blade Dancer (played her for a year and a half at this point), Cultist and Demon Hunter.
  • Cards that need to be in formation, like Monk or Cultist, can be more challenging to play than others like Demon Hunter or Bruiser. However, they can be stronger.
  • With practice, you will get better at the event and will know what units to choose. I have played this game for 2 years and still don’t know how some cards work exactly. I just avoid them.
  • The matchmaking is random. Experienced players can be matched with new players.
  • Play even if you don’t like the event or don’t have time. In the worst case, you can surrender and get points and rewards for losing.
  • Remember to wear your best PvP equipment.

Important units and opponent tips

  • Bombardier stuns enemies.
  • Chemist weakens enemies so we can eliminate them faster.
  • Executioner finishes off damaged enemies when they have low HP.
  • Trapper temporarily weakens and slows the enemies with his traps.
  • Sword buffs your units’ damage and critical chance. It can also debuff your enemy’s units. An awakened/active Sword (level 9+) will automatically apply its effect every 15 seconds (with the correct talent).
  • Save a lot of mana before making risky changes to your board.
  • Rank 1 units are very weak, and can be easily removed by negative effects. Rank 2 units are not much stronger, but will at least survive the Tribunal boss effect.
  • Don’t mana rank up weak units (rank 1-2). The lower their rank, the less effect it has.
  • Remember that your opponent’s equipment can affect you. You can click on your opponent’s hero to see their equipment.


I have played Blade Dancer in PvP and Co-Op for over a year and a half. She is my first option in Rush for Glory, Rush Royale.

I use the right-side talent because it is easier to make a good deck for. You just need Portal Keeper, which is (always?) offered to you on card choice number 4.

A1. BLADE DANCER – Hex – Dryad – Keeper – Harlequin

I select Dancer since it’s the card I’ve played the most.

Then I choose Hex because Dancer works well with a buff building like Statue/Grindstone/Hex/etc… I forgot I had the right-side talent active, but I still think it’s the best option here.

Dryad is a must in most pvp decks. Scrapper wastes too much mana and is too slow.

Keeper is great with Dancer. It’s a must if you play the right-side Dancer talent!

And last of all, Harlequin works great with Dryad and Keeper.

I like Mari here because she gives me some mana and removes some mobs.

rush for glory rush royale choosing cards
rush for glory rush royale choosing cards
rush for glory rush royale screenshot

A2. BLADE DANCER – Sword – Dryad – Keeper – Cold Mage

I select Dancer since it’s the card I’ve played the most.

Then I choose Sword because Dancer works well with a buff unit.

Dryad is a must in most PvP decks.

Keeper is great with Dancer. It’s a must if you play the right-side Dancer talent!

And last of all, I nearly took Mime for better board control, but it’s always good to have a slowing unit like Cold Mage. Sometimes both players get flipped by Bedlam and whoever has the most slowing units on the board wins.

I forgot to screenshot the hero options, but Jay is a fast hero who does some damage and slows the mobs.

It looks like my opponent had the wrong talent on their Dancer.

A3. BLADE DANCER – Sword – Dryad – Keeper – Frost

This deck is very much like the previous A2 deck.

A4. BLADE DANCER – Executioner – Dryad – Keeper – Sword

I chose Executioner over the others because of his ability to do huge damage to bosses. I forgot to take a better screenshot of the actual gameplay. It must have been a fun game.

A5. BLADE DANCER – Executioner – Dryad – Keeper – Trapper

I think Executioner is more useful than Clock.

Sword is very good, but Dryad is great with Blade Dancer. It gives her a stronger damage output much faster, in my opinion.

Trapper is just too good to pass up.

A6. BLADE DANCER – Sword – Dryad – Keeper – Catapult

I chose Sword because Dancer works well with a buff unit. Sword can debuff your opponent’s units and is better than Hex.

Dryad is a must in most PvP decks.

Keeper is great with Dancer. It’s a must if you play the right-side Dancer talent!

And last of all, it’s always good to have a stunning unit like Catapult.

It looks like my opponent had the wrong talent on their Dancer again.

A7. BLADE DANCER – Dryad – Sword – Keeper – Harlequin

Sword is better than Chemist in my opinion.

Harlequin can copy Dryad or Sword. It also can copy Blade Dancer if needed, because we can remove the Harlequin debuff with Keeper.

A8. BLADE DANCER – Statue – Dryad – Keeper – Trapper

I chose Statue over Executioner because I have had good results with it in PvP, even with the right side talent.

Sword is great, but Trapper is just too good because of its slowing (and weakening) effect. Scrapper is too slow and wasteful of mana here.

A9. BLADE DANCER – Chemist – Dryad – Keeper – Harlequin

Chemist is usually better than Executioner. Mime is good for board control, but we need a good support unit.

Trapper is awesome, but Harlequin is superior in this case in my opinion. Harlequin can copy Dryad, copy Dancer (we can remove the debuff with Keeper) and also help control the board so that you don’t get stuck (no merges). We already have Chemist to weaken the enemies.

A10. BLADE DANCER – Chemist – Dryad – Keeper – Catapult

Chemist is a solid support unit.

Catapult is not the best stunner, but it works. I usually don’t run into mana issues, so Priestess is not needed here. For the endgame, Catapult is much more useful than Priestess.

A11. BLADE DANCER – Dryad – Stasis – Keeper – Sword

Stasis is a good enemy slower/stopper. I have Dryad, so I pass on Scrapper. Executioner is good, but not that great.

Sword is superior to the other choices here.

A12. BLADE DANCER – Harlequin – Dryad – Keeper – Trapper

Chemist is a good support unit, but Harlequin is usually a great choice.

Sword is very good and works well with Harlequin, but in my opinion, Trapper is superior because of its slowing effect. Scrapper is not needed because we have Dryad.

A13. BLADE DANCER – Knight Statue – Dryad – Keeper – Cold Mage

Knight Statue can buff my Blade Dancers by a lot if played correctly. I placed Statues in the middle and constantly moved the Dancers around/next to them.

Mime is good for board control, but Cold Mage has a slowing effect that we need.


I like to play Cultist because of its similarity to Engineer.

I use the left side talent because I have had better results with it in PvP.

It is much easier to set up if you have Portal Keeper, which is (always?) offered to you on card choice number 4.

B1. CULTIST – Chemist – Dryad – Keeper – Frost

Chemist is better than Hex for Cultist in my opinion. I pass on Summoner because it can make big, unneeded units sometimes.

Frost over Mime because we want a slowing unit. We must be careful not to get stuck with no merges, though.

Trickster is great in PvP. I used to dislike him, but he grew on me.

rush for glory rush royale choosing cards
rush for glory rush royale choosing cards
rush for glory rush royale screenshot

B2. CULTIST – Chemist – Dryad – Keeper – Frost

I chose Chemist because we need a support unit.

I chose Frost because we need a slowing unit.

B3. CULTIST – Dryad – Harlequin – Keeper – Cold Mage

I chose Harlequin over Sword because we need to copy Cultist early on, also because there might not be space on the board for awakened Swords.

I selected Cold Mage for its slowing effect.

B4. CULTIST – Chemist – Dryad – Keeper – Sword

Oops, I forgot to take a screenshot of the actual battle.

B5. CULTIST – Statue – Dryad – Keeper – Scrapper

I probably should have taken Clock instead of Statue.

And Trapper instead of Scrapper.

I think Trickster is better for Cultist too.

Lesson learned!

B6. CULTIST – Sword – Dryad – Keeper – Bombardier

I took Bombardier for his stun, instead of Scrapper. We had Dryad.

I didn’t expect to win this game. I have the video of it and might upload it to my YouTube.

It looks like Bombardier won this.

B7. CULTIST – Dryad – Harlequin – Keeper – Bombardier

I selected Bombardier over the others because of its stun effect.

B8. CULTIST – Sword – Dryad – Keeper – Mime

I chose Mime over Stasis because it helps merge the Swords. We could get stuck full of Swords if we choose Stasis. I think I win either way though, Stasis is a good option too.

B9. CULTIST – Statue – Dryad – Keeper – Cold Mage

I probably should have taken Demonologist over Statue.

It looks like Cold Mage won this one. Oh wait, I didn’t have one on board!


I am not a huge fan of Inquisitor, but I learned a lot when I tested her for my blog articles.

C1. INQUISITOR – Sword – Dryad – Scrapper – Harlequin

Scrapper is very good with Inquisitor, even if you have Dryad already.

We need a slowing unit like Cold Mage, but Harlequin can copy an Inquisitor and avoid a loss. Harlequin is also great with Dryad and with Sword.

rush for glory rush royale choosing cards
rush for glory rush royale choosing cards
rush for glory rush royale screenshot

C2. INQUISITOR – Statue – Dryad – Keeper – Trapper

Statue works well with Inquisitor, if we can set it up correctly.

Dryad is much better here than Scrapper because it is much faster and does not waste mana.

Trapper is great with Inquisitor because we have lots of space to spam it if needed.

C3. INQUISITOR – Executioner – Dryad – Harlequin – Stasis

I think Executioner is better than Clock in this event.

We need a stun, but Harlequin is just too good and can avoid a loss.

I chose Stasis because we need a slowing unit and Summoner can be unpredictable at times.

C4. INQUISITOR – Statue – Scrapper – Harlequin – Frost

This game was versus a whale.

Scrapper is a must since we don’t have Dryad.

It was a tough choice, but I chose Harlequin over Trapper because of its flexibility.

Frost over Mime for its slowing effect. We have Scrapper and Harlequin for board control, so Mime is not needed.

I set up my board pretty well without Portal Keeper, but I guess his equipment was just too strong. Bruiser did some damage, interesting…


I like to play Demon Hunter because of its simplicity. Just rank them up as quickly as possible.

No need to set up.

D1. DEMON HUNTER – Executioner – Summoner – Mime – Harlequin

I chose Executioner because I didn’t have a card to control the quantity of Statues, and didn’t know if I would get one.

Summoner is great with Demon Hunter because we want to rank up as fast as possible. We don’t need to rank up specific units with Dryad that much.

Mime was chosen here because it is awesome with Summoner. Trapper might have been a better option, though.

Harlequin works great with Summoner and Demon Hunter.

I did not expect to lose this game, but it looks like my opponent had great RNG with a rank 6 Demon Hunter. I on the other hand, had a rank 4 Harlequin I couldn’t use. My rank 5 Executioner could not carry this game.

rush for glory rush royale choosing cards
rush for glory rush royale choosing cards
rush for glory rush royale screenshot

D2. DEMON HUNTER – Sword – Dryad – Cold Mage – Harlequin

I picked Cold Mage because there might not be much space for Stasis with all the Demon Hunters and Swords. One Cold Mage on board is enough, while one Stasis is not. Keeper is not needed here.

Harlequin is great with Demon Hunter, Dryad and Sword.

D3. DEMON HUNTER – Chemist – Harlequin – Summoner – Trapper

No Dryad or Scrapper was offered to us, so their Inquisitor suffered.

I chose Gadget over Trickster because a lot of Demon Hunters will benefit from her buff.

D4. DEMON HUNTER – Statue – Summoner – Dryad – Trapper

Statue is better than Hex.

I think Summoner is the better option for Demon Hunter. Even though Sword is very good.

He passed on Trapper and chose Bruiser.


I recently tested Monk for this blog, so I felt confident to try it in Rush for Glory Rush Royale.

I used the left side talent, but either one is good.

It is much easier to set up if you have Portal Keeper, which is (always?) offered to you on card choice number 4.

E1. MONK – Harlequin – Dryad – Keeper – Summoner

Summoner is better than Bombardier after its nerf, I think. Summoner works well with Harlequin.

I was surprised to lose here, I think I was never able to complete 2 rows of Monks.

Event rush for glory rush royale choosing cards
Event rush for glory rush royale choosing cards
rush for glory rush royale screenshot

E2. MONK – Demonologist – Dryad – Keeper – Trapper

I picked Demonologist for extra mana.

E3. MONK – Chemist – Dryad – Keeper – Trapper

This was the second time I pass on Demonologist and lost. Coincidence?

How did I lose to Banshee?

I needed more Trappers, but the board was too crowded with Monks and Chemists! This happens when you lack board control units like Harlequin, Mime, Scrapper, etc…

E4. MONK – Harlequin – Dryad – Keeper – Scrapper

Harlequin is better for Monk than Sword.

Dryad is a staple in Monk decks. We have to get those intersections ranked up.

Scrapper over the others for board control and to help rank up my units. Maybe we get lucky and Scrapper hits an intersection. We can eliminate clutter.


F1. SHARPSHOOTER – Chemist – Harlequin – Bombardier – Dryad

This was an Arena Rush for Glory game, for one ticket.

I am not a Boreas fan, so I selected Sharpshooter. I have used him a lot when testing decks for this blog. In retrospect, Boreas is the better option here.

Bombardier got nerfed, so maybe I should have chosen Stasis.

I probably would have lost, if my opponent had actually played the game. Sharpshooter is only good against the first bosses and then cannot deal with the waves.

F2. BRUISER – Grindstone – Priestess – Stasis – Chemist

Grindstone over Executioner because now it has talents. I am not 100% sure how Ivy works yet.

Priestess over Mime because we need extra mana and don’t need board control that much.

This time we made the correct choice of Stasis over Bombardier.

Chemist over Catapult because we already have Stasis. Vampire is not that good, and we have Priestess mana production already.

Event rush for glory rush royale choosing cards
Event rush for glory rush royale choosing cards
rush for glory rush royale screenshot

F3. BRUISER – Sword – Harlequin – Trapper – Dryad

Pretty straightforward choices imo. Inquisitor is not my cup of tea for Rush for Glory Rush Royale.

F4. BANSHEE – Chemist – Dryad – Keeper – Harlequin

I decided to try Banshee in this event. Bruiser is better imo.

I should have taken Demon Hunter.

Jay was a better option, I think.

Banshee needs a buff!

F5. BANSHEE – Sword – Dryad – Keeper – Summoner

Again I try Banshee. Boreas was the better option, I think.

Dryad over Harlequin because we need to rank up our Banshees quickly.

I took Portal Keeper instead of Trapper because I need to place the Banshees in a certain way. If I had taken Boreas, I could have taken Trapper too.

I probably won’t be choosing Banshee anymore! I need to test her a lot more.


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