Rush Royale Bosses Puppeteer Boss

Most Rush Royale Bosses can be very annoying and of course make you lose the game. You need to know what each boss does and how to counter them if you want to finish the Co-Op floor or beat your PvP opponent.

On this page, you will find important information on how to beat all the bosses in Rush Royale.

Also, you will find a list of all the bosses on each floor, so you might want to bookmark this page for future reference. This way you will be prepared for each one as they come along.

Created: August 2023

Last update: October 2023

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Rush Royale Bosses FAQ

Boss TIPS & Info

Bosses per FLOOR














Final Thoughts

Rush Royale Bosses FAQ

Are the Rush Royale bosses random?

In Co-Op Dungeons, the bosses are not random, except for the end bosses on floor 13. Also, the ones summoned by the Kitsune boss.

In PvP, the bosses are random and also can repeat.

How can I see what bosses are on each floor?

  1. In the game, you can look at the floor list and see the bosses on each floor before you click the floor.
  2. You can also see the list of bosses per floor on this page.

How much HP does each boss have?

The boss’s health will depend on how many monsters you left alive on the previous wave. Basically, the more monsters left, the higher the health of the incoming boss.

Can multiple bosses be encountered at a time?

In Co-Op dungeons, you can rarely encounter two bosses, one after the other. You may see the floor list on this page for more information.

In PvP, after defeating the single bosses, you will start encountering double bosses and even triple bosses after that.

How do I beat <boss name>?

You may scroll down or click on the boss’s name in the Contents menu for info on how to beat each boss.

Which boss is the toughest?

This will depend on your deck and other factors. An easy boss for you could be difficult for another player.

Rush Royale Bosses TIPS & Info

Rush Royale Bosses general tips

  • Always be aware of which Boss is coming next.
  • After each Boss, start preparing for the next one.
  • If a Boss affects your units, do not give up, your opponent might be worse off.
  • You can play Co-Op Dungeons to get to know the bosses before playing PvP.

Important units and other tips

  • Portal Keeper can remove negative effects like Virus and Pudding, for example. Also, he can move your units into optimal positions to beat the bosses.
  • Bombardier got nerfed and no longer stops Boss abilities from going off. He still stuns them, though.
  • Chemist weakens enemies so we can eliminate them faster.
  • Executioner will eliminate an enemy when it gets low in health.
  • Trapper temporarily weakens and slows the enemies with its traps. If for example both players are flipped by Bedlam or infected by Virus, a slowing unit can make the difference, allowing you to recover or at least survive.
  • Running a slowing unit like Frost might seem like a good idea, but make sure you are not sacrificing much needed damage.
  • Sword buffs your units’ damage and critical chance. It can also debuff your enemy’s units in PvP. An awakened/active Sword (level 9+) will automatically apply its effect every 15 seconds (with the correct talent).
  • Reaper and Hex do not eliminate bosses.
  • Save a lot of mana before making risky changes to your board.
  • Rank 1 units are very weak, and can be easily removed by negative effects. Rank 2 units are not much stronger, but will at least survive the Tribunal boss effect.
  • Don’t mana rank up weak units (rank 1-2), because the lower their rank, the less effect it has.
  • Remember that your opponent’s equipment can affect you. You can click on the other player’s Hero to see their equipment.
  • Remember to craft and also wear your best equipment.
  • The Mermaid hero can protect your units from negative effects. Other heroes can slow down or block bosses.
  • The Counterspell equipment Enchantment can surely help remove negative effects from your units.
Rush Royale Mermaid main Ability
Counterspell Rush Royale on Amulet
Rush Royale Jacket with Counterspell II

Rush Royale Bosses per FLOOR


  • Tamer
  • Gorgon


  • Gorgon
  • Tamer
  • Bedlam


  • Tamer
  • Gorgon
  • Bedlam
  • Warlock


  • Gorgon
  • Bedlam
  • Warlock
  • Tamer
  • Tribunal


  • Gorgon
  • Warlock
  • Tamer
  • Tribunal
  • Warlock
  • Puppeteer


  • Tamer
  • Warlock
  • Puppeteer
  • Gorgon
  • Bedlam
  • Tribunal
  • King Pudding


  • Bedlam
  • Tamer
  • Tribunal
  • Warlock
  • King Pudding
  • Gorgon
  • Grandmaster


  • Tamer
  • Bedlam
  • Gorgon
  • Tribunal
  • King Pudding
  • Grandmaster
  • Warlock
  • Assassin


  • Warlock
  • Gorgon
  • King Pudding
  • Bedlam
  • Assassin
  • Tribunal
  • Puppeteer
  • Virus


  • Puppeteer
  • Warlock
  • Tribunal
  • Virus
  • King Pudding
  • Assassin
  • Grandmaster
  • Monkey King


  • Tamer
  • Bedlam
  • Tribunal
  • Gorgon
  • Virus
  • King Pudding
  • Assassin
  • Dark Priest


  • Tribunal
  • Bedlam
  • Gorgon
  • Virus
  • Assassin
  • King Pudding
  • Warlock x 2
  • Kitsune


  • Warlock
  • Dark Priest
  • Bedlam
  • Kitsune
  • Virus
  • Monkey King
  • Assassin
  • 2 x Random Bosses


how to beat rush royale bosses assassin

How to beat Assassin

In order to avoid the Assassin ability, you must eliminate this boss as soon as it appears. Then again, if you know you will not do this in time, try to fill your board with expendable small units. In the same fashion, summon a new one if Assassin kills one of your units. This will help protect your larger units.

Rush Royale Bosses: BEDLAM

One of the most feared Rush Royale bosses, Bedlam can completely wreck your unit formation! Not only that, it repeats this action periodically, making it tougher to recover and eliminate him.

how to beat rush royale bosses bedlam

How to beat Bedlam

In order to avoid the Bedlam ability, you must eliminate this boss as soon as it appears. Then again, if you know you will not do this in time, try to have small units on your board. This will surely make it easier to set up again after you are flipped. However, many decks cannot recover from Bedlam‘s ability!


Another feared Rush Royale boss, Dark Priest has a Witch-like effect that makes your units start healing enemies instead of damaging them.

how to beat rush royale bosses dark priest

How to beat Dark Priest

You can avoid its initial cursed seals by eliminating it quickly, but you cannot avoid the two cursed seals that are applied when it dies. Try to have smaller units on your board in order that you can merge/remove cursed units or just ignore them.


This Rush Royale boss can be dangerous if you only have a few units on your board. In essence, Gorgon starts covering up your units with stone, two at a time. In this case, said units will not attack or function properly. The stone covers disappear once the boss is eliminated, however.

How to beat Gorgon

You can avoid any stone covering by eliminating Gorgon quickly. On the other hand, you can fill the board to lower the chance of your main damage units getting covered. I used to use Portal Keeper to counter his ability, but they nerfed it and took away the shield.

Rush Royale Bosses: GRANDMASTER

This Rush Royale boss can be dangerous if your main damage units are of the same rank. Specifically, Grandmaster will attempt to merge random units on your board/field. As a result, you can lose two good units and receive a bigger, useless one! Watch out, Scrapper users!

how to beat rush royale bosses grandmaster

How to beat Grandmaster

As with other bosses, you can avoid the Grandmaster ability by eliminating it quickly with lots of damage. Then again, you can think ahead and keep your most important units at different ranks. Also, you can have units like Dryad and Portal Keeper on your board for relatively harmless merges. In addition, you may have plenty of small units for Grandmaster to target.


One of the most lethal Rush Royale bosses, King Pudding can certainly end your game if you are not ready and/or unlucky. He will cover your units with slime to lower their attack speed substantially. As a result, you can easily lose the game! Secondly, this boss breaks up into parts, making it seem like multiple bosses in one.

How to beat King Pudding

You can generally avoid the first King Pudding slime by eliminating him quickly with fast damage. However, you cannot avoid the slime sent each time a smaller part dies. So to counter this, you can keep your units at a relatively low rank in case you need to merge, move or remove them. Conversely, you may rank up your slimed units to compensate for the debuff.

In my opinion, King Pudding‘s slime tends to hit the left side of the board more frequently, so you might want to have your damage units on the right side.

Rush Royale Bosses: KITSUNE

Kitsune is probably the most unique of the Rush Royale bosses, due to its ability. If unchecked, Kitsune will summon a random boss from time to time. Because of this, you want to eliminate Kitsune as soon as possible!

How to beat Kitsune

Damage. Lots of it. You surely want to avoid having to deal with multiple random bosses, believe me. Therefore, you should rank up your units, use buffs, and do whatever it takes to bring Kitsune down asap.


This Rush Royale boss is certainly dangerous for decks that bunch their damage units in the middle. Its stun effect happens faster and for longer than you would expect, in many cases this leads to Monkey King reaching the end of the lane. He also periodically takes a rank off one of your units, which can be annoying to say the least.

how to beat rush royale bosses monkey king

How to beat Monkey King

Kill Monkey King as soon as possible. Prepare for him by ranking up your units, using your hero ability and also your buffs. Also, if you can place your main damage units in the corners of the board, even better!


Firstly, this Rush Royale boss will try to move your units. Consequently, your setup and/or special tiles might be rendered useless. Secondly, Puppeteer attempts to lower the mana ranks of your units. This can be disastrous if you are short on mana.

How to beat Puppeteer

If your deck depends on a certain setup, like for example Cultist, you must defeat Puppeteer as soon as it appears! Make big damage units, use your hero ability and buffs.

Many decks, however, will not be in too much danger from this boss. For those decks, if you don’t want to risk losing mana, you can wait to mana rank your units until after this boss is eliminated.


Tamer is the easiest of the Rush Royale bosses. Hence, it’s practically a no-stress, resting period for you to take it easy and set up your units.

How to beat Tamer

Very rarely will you lose to the Tamer boss. Unless you are in a long fought out PvP battle, the monsters it summons do not have high health and are not a threat to you.

If you lose to this boss in a Co-Op dungeon, you are certainly doing something wrong.


Not the most dangerous of the Rush Royale bosses, but maybe the most annoying, Tribunal quickly takes off a rank from half of your units, rounded up. Thankfully, she only does this once now.

How to beat Tribunal

If you don’t want to lose unit ranks, you must defeat this boss as soon as she appears. Once her ability goes off, however, you can take your time to eliminate her. She only does it once.

You also want to have an even number of units on the board. If for example you have 12 units, she will only hit 6, but if you have 13, she will hit 7 units.


Virus is one of the most dangerous Rush Royale bosses. If the virus spreads to all your damage units, you are generally done.

how to beat rush royale bosses virus

How to beat Virus

You must kill the Virus boss quickly to avoid more than one initial infections. Regardless, at least one virus infection will be sent by the boss.

You should remove the virus with Portal Keeper or by immediately merging the infected unit.

You can also stop the Virus from spreading by isolating units or dividing your board into two islands. Sometimes all you need to do is leave a space or two in the middle of your board to slow down the spread. Without a doubt, you should avoid a board full of infected units!

Furthermore, the Trapper unit is very good at slowing enemies, keeping you alive through the virus spread.


This is a hit or miss Rush Royale boss. On one hand it can hit your best unit, on the other, it can help you by hitting your worst unit. Warlock is the worst enemy of Corsair, since it removes all bombs and traps from the lane.

How to beat Warlock

If you can, bring this boss down quickly. Otherwise, keep your units as low rank as possible or use Portal Keeper to move the target unit. If you have a good internet connection and/or are quick enough, you can merge the targeted unit before the ability hits.

Final Thoughts

The Rush Royale bosses are all about messing up your board setup with negative effects. So, to counter them, you should have at least one way of cleansing or shielding your units.

The bosses are designed to keep you engaged with the game, so if you look away for a few seconds, you could lose an important unit or even the battle.

If you have trouble with a boss in Co-Op dungeon floors, modify your deck and then try again. In this blog you will surely find dozens or even hundreds of decks to use. It’s not only what cards you play, but also how you play them. On the other hand, RNG is unpredictable, sometimes you are just unlucky!
