LAMA BUILD List for Vampire Survivors

Lama Ladonna is the best Vampire Survivors early character in my opinion, so naturally I have tested her abilities for many hours. I decided to compose this Lama Build list to assist anyone who needs help in selecting weapons and passive items during their runs.

With passive additional Move Speed and gaining +5% Might, Move Speed, and Curse every 10 levels (max +20%), she has it all. Also, her Axe starting weapon is not bad and its evolution item (Candelabrador) is great!

For best results, remember to buy your Power Ups before playing.

Last update: September 2023


A. Vampire Survivors Lama Build for AOE (Area of effect) Damage

B. Vampire Survivors Lama Build for Levelling Fast

C. Vampire Survivors Lama Build: Boss Destroyer

D. Vampire Survivors Lama Build for Tanking

Final Thoughts

A. Vampire Survivors Lama Build for AOE (Area of effect) Damage

The object of this build is to deal lots of damage spread out on the screen. Hence, we should end up with lots of total stage damage and many eliminated enemies.

I tested this AOE Lama Build in the Dairy Plant stage, in Hyper mode, and you may see my results in the images below. I think defeating over 75,000 enemies shows that this Lama build works as intended.

Likewise, I have listed the weapons and evolutions I ran, in the order in which I received them.

1. La Borra = Santa Water + Attractorb

This evolution is a staple in most of my builds, especially in an AOE build.

2. Death Spiral = Axe(starting weapon) + Candelabrador

The starting weapon plus a great passive Area of effect item equals an easy staple evolution for any Lama build.

3. Vandalier = Peachone + Ebony Wings

Vandalier is a very strong weapon union, and it saves you a passive item slot! Thus allowing me to add an extra item to this Lama build.

Remember that you must have both birds at max level to create Vandalier. Also, you must manage your weapon slots precisely in order to not get stuck with just one bird. The downside is that by themselves, the birds do not do much damage, so you might have issues on the way.

Once you have combined the birds, you will have a free weapon slot for Pentagram.

4. Pentagram

This weapon impresses me more and more each day. It can actually do more damage per second than most evolutions! Just remember to select it as one of your last build weapons, and then upgrade it to max level as soon as possible once you have it.

I decided not to run Crown because Pentagram does very well even when not evolved, hence saving a passive item slot for something better.

5. Unholy Vespers = King Bible + Spellbinder

Unholy Vespers is great at pushing back enemies, and it also helps defeat bosses. On the other hand, Spellbinder buffs La Borra and Vandalier too.

6. Infinite Corridor = Clock + Silver Ring + Gold Ring

I expected more from Infinite corridor, its low DPS came as a big surprise to me since it usually deals the most damage in each stage.

In any case, I saved another passive item slot by running this evolution.

Other Passive Items

Three great extra passive items were added to this build to fill the free slots, and they were Empty Tome, Spinach and Duplicator.

I picked up the Silver and Gold Rings from the stage after I had 6 full item slots. This is extremely important, because doing this allows you to have more than 6 passive items.

Lama Build Best Vampire Survivors Weapons mobile android weapon evolution evolved Ladonna Santa Water La Borra Axe Death Spiral King Bible Unholy Vespers Pentagram Vandalier Peachone Ebony Wings Dairy Plant
AOE Lama Build
AOE Lama Build Gameplay
Lama Build Best Vampire Survivors Weapons mobile android weapon evolution evolved Ladonna Santa Water La Borra Axe Death Spiral King Bible Unholy Vespers Pentagram Vandalier Peachone Ebony Wings Dairy Plant DPS damage
DPS results for the AOE Damage Lama Build

B. Vampire Survivors Lama Build for Levelling Fast

The object of this build is to level as fast and as high as possible in the allotted time.

Lama Ladonna starts with 10% Curse and gains +5% more every 10 levels up to 4 times, for a maximum of 30% total. Curse buffs enemy speed, health, spawn frequency and spawn quantity. This translates into there being more mobs for us to eliminate and drop experience from.

I tested this Levelling Lama Build in the Mad Forest stage, in Hyper mode, and you may see my results in the images below. I think reaching level 173 in 30 minutes proves that the build achieves its goal.

The following evolutions are listed in the order that they were acquired. As you can see, Death Spiral was the first evolution I received and is the first on the list.

1. Death Spiral = Axe(starting weapon) + Candelabrador

This is a no-brainer, it’s the evolution of Lama’s starting weapon with a very good passive item.

2. Unholy Vespers = King Bible + Spellbinder

Good damage per second, plus its defensive pushback effect, make this evolution a good choice for many builds.

3. La Borra = Santa Water + Attractorb

One of the best evolutions in Vampire Survivors, created by combining a great AOE weapon and one of the best (maybe the best) passive items in the game.

4. Vandalier = Peachone + Ebony Wings

This evolution does lots of damage, and also leaves you with a free passive item slot.

5. Gorgeous Moon = Pentagram + Crown

One of the best evolutions in Vampire Survivors. Usually I don’t need Crown in my builds, but it is a must in any fast levelling build.

6. Infinite Corridor = Clock + Silver Ring + Gold Ring

Although not that easy to create, this evolution deals tons of damage, and frees up a passive item slot.

Other Passive Items

Two great passive items were added to this build to fill the free item slots: Empty Tome and Spinach.

Again, I picked up the Silver and Gold Rings from the stage after I had 6 full item slots.

Lama Build Best Vampire Survivors Weapons mobile android weapon evolution evolved Ladonna Santa Water La Borra Axe Death Spiral King Bible Unholy Vespers Pentagram Gorgeous Moon Vandalier Peachone Ebony Wings Mad Forest damage Infinite Corridor
Lama Build for fast levelling
Lama Build fast levelling gameplay
Lama Build Best Vampire Survivors Weapons mobile android weapon evolution evolved Ladonna Santa Water La Borra Axe Death Spiral King Bible Unholy Vespers Pentagram Gorgeous Moon Vandalier Peachone Ebony Wings Mad Forest damage Infinite Corridor DPS damage results
DPS results for the fast levelling Lama Build

C. Vampire Survivors Lama Build: The Boss Destroyer

As its name suggests, the object of this build is to defeat bosses as soon as possible.

I tested this boss destroying Lama Build in the Inlaid Library stage, in Hyper mode, and you may see my results in the images below. I was surprised to reach such a high level 169, but it’s probably because of the way the mobs come at you from the sides, straight into my Fuwalafuwaloo.

Also, because a Candybox was granted during the stage, this allowed me to run 7 weapons/evolutions instead of 6.

1. Unholy Vespers = King Bible + Spellbinder

Why is this weapon/evolution in all my Lama builds? Because it does it all!

2. Death Spiral = Axe(starting weapon) + Candelabrador

The default evolution for Lama Ladonna. Additionally, it’s not bad for defeating bosses.

3. Thousand Edge = Knife + Bracer

The main weapon for taking out bosses! Even without evolving, its focused damage helps a lot!

4. Fuwalafuwaloo = Bloody Tear (Whip+ Hollow Heart) + Vento Sacro

Fuwalafuwaloo can also focus damage on bosses. Also, it’s the perfect evolution for Inlaid Library, where the mobs come at you from the sides. It even heals you too!

Remember that an empty weapon slot will be available once you create this union.

5. La Borra = Santa Water + Attractorb

Soften up the bosses before they get to you with this Lama build staple.

6. Pentagram

This thing deletes most bosses instantly, but you should level it up as soon as possible so that it doesn’t delete your drops too. Don’t choose this early in the stage.

7. Infinite Corridor = Clock + Silver Ring + Gold Ring

Infinite Corridor can halve a boss’s health and also freeze it! Not to mention the amount of damage it deals to regular mobs.

Other Passive Items

I added Empty Tome to this boss destroying Lama build to fill the empty item slot.

As always, I picked up the Silver and Gold Rings after I had 6 full item slots.

Lama Build Boss Destroy Defeat Bosses Best Vampire Survivors Weapons mobile android weapon evolution evolved Ladonna Santa Water La Borra Axe Death Spiral King Bible Unholy Vespers Pentagram Whip Vento Fuwalafuwaloo Infinite Corridor Inlaid Library Hyper
Lama Build for destroying bosses
Lama Build Boss Destroy Defeat Bosses Best Vampire Survivors Weapons mobile android weapon evolution evolved Ladonna Santa Water La Borra Axe Death Spiral King Bible Unholy Vespers Pentagram Whip Vento Fuwalafuwaloo Infinite Corridor Inlaid Library Hyper
Lama Build destroy boss screenshot
DPS damage results Lama Build for destroying bosses

D. Vampire Survivors Lama Build for Tanking

The object of this build is to be able to plow through enemies, take hits and heal quickly. In other words, stay alive longer.

We also need to eliminate enemies, therefore this Lama build was a bit tricky to pull off. Without a doubt, my character was a bit weak in the early phases of this run. To be sure, this build gradually becomes stronger over time.

On the other hand, in the final minutes of this run, I was literally trying to take damage by running into the enemy groups, but by then my character was too powerful.

The following weapons/evolutions are listed in the order that they were acquired. As you can see, Knife was the first build weapon I received and therefore is the first on the list.

1. Knife

After testing several Lama builds for tanking, I realized that I was lacking an early weapon that could focus damage, help with bosses and get me through a wall of enemies. Hence, I added Knife and it worked wonders. It didn’t deal tons of damage, but it certainly got the job done.

I couldn’t free up a passive item slot for Bracer, therefore I did not evolve it into Thousand Edge. Then again, Knife did great unevolved.

2. La Borra = Santa Water + Attractorb

This is another weapon that I did not have in this Lama build initially, but realized it would solve a lot of problems if I did.

3. Death Spiral = Axe(starting weapon) + Candelabrador

Since Lama starts with Axe, I run this evolution because Candelabrador buffs La Borra and other weapons.

4. Bloody Tear = Whip + Hollow Heart

I include Bloody Tear in this Tanking Lama build because whenever it hits a critical blow, it heals my character.

5. Unholy Vespers = King Bible + Spellbinder

On one hand, this is a great defensive and offensive weapon. On the other hand, Spellbinder buffs La Borra and other weapons.

6. Soul Eater = Garlic + Pummarola

Soul Eater increases knockback effects and has a chance to generate small healing hearts when killing enemies. In this sense, it is a great defensive weapon. Additionally, I wanted to try out this evolution that I very rarely include in my builds.

Other Passive Items

I added Empty Tome to this boss destroying Lama build to fill the free item slot. With this purpose in mind, I did not evolve Knife with Bracer.

I picked up the Silver Ring after I had 6 full item slots. Therefore, I ended the run with 7 passive items.

Lama Build for Tanking
Lama Build Tank Best Tanking Vampire Survivors Weapons mobile android weapon evolution evolved Ladonna Santa Water La Borra Axe Death Spiral King Bible Unholy Vespers Whip Bloody Tear Mad Forest Soul Eater Garlic gameplay screenshot
Lama Build Tanking screenshot
DPS damage results for Tank Lama Build

Final Thoughts

I had a lot of fun creating this content. Lama Ladonna moves fast for an early Vampire Survivors character, and that alone makes her very easy and entertaining to play.

I tried to add a no-move Lama build to this list, but I ran into many issues during testing. Apparently, Axe is just not a great early weapon for that. It has many blind spots and also a long cooldown. On one hand, whenever a regular mob comes at you from below, you are in trouble unless you have Garlic. On the other hand, Garlic doesn’t stop a boss.

Thank you so much for reading this article all the way to the end!

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