Tired of losing in Dungeons? Check out the best Coop decks for Shaman Rush Royale! I have tested most, if not all, these decks myself. I have included screenshots and how-to-play information, so you may try them yourself. There are many different variants of Shaman Coop decks on this page, play them and find your favorite!
Check back later for new decks. Feel free to leave a comment if you agree, disagree, or would like additional decks to be added. See you in the dungeons!
Last updated: October 2023
Contents Shaman Rush Royale Coop Support Decks
- Coop Shaman Rush Royale Tips & Info
- C1. SHAMAN – Harlequin – Mime – CLOCK – SUMMONER
- C2. SHAMAN – Harlequin – Mime – CLOCK – CAULDRON
- C3. SHAMAN – Harlequin – Mime – CLOCK – CHEMIST
- C4. SHAMAN – Harlequin – Mime – CLOCK – EXECUTIONER
- C5. SHAMAN – Harlequin – Mime – CLOCK – REAPER
- C6. SHAMAN – Harlequin – Mime – CLOCK – CORSAIR
- C8. SHAMAN – Harlequin – Mime – DEMONOLOGIST- REAPER
- C10. SHAMAN – Harlequin – Mime – DEMONOLOGIST- CLOCK
- C11. SHAMAN – Harlequin – Mime – DEMONOLOGIST- CHEMIST
- C14. SHAMAN – Harlequin – Mime – REAPER – CHEMIST
- C15. SHAMAN – Harlequin – Mime – REAPER – SUMMONER
- C16. SHAMAN – Harlequin – Mime – REAPER – EXECUTIONER
- C17. SHAMAN – Harlequin – Mime – REAPER – CORSAIR
- C18. SHAMAN – Harlequin – Mime – CLOCK – WITCH
Coop Support Shaman Rush Royale Tips & Info
- Let your teammate set up their board. Wait for them to signal that they need help before merging your Shamans.
- Avoid sending the Curse Tile to your partner. They will probably send you theirs.
- Harlequin is mostly used to copy Shaman, but sometimes you need to copy other units.
- Merge Shamans with Mimes for maximum efficiency, avoid merging Shaman with Shaman unless they are high ranked(3+) and you don’t have a matching Mime.
- Always keep at least one rank 1 Shaman and if possible a rank 2 as well.
- Pay attention to your teammate’s board and Emojis, you must stop sending Shamans in certain situations. For example, if they get flipped by Bedlam or if they are rearranging their board.
- You might want to merge/replace any damage unit that gets pudding or a Dark Priest’s healing seal on it.
- Remember to put on your best coop equipment.
C1. SHAMAN – Harlequin – Mime – CLOCK – SUMMONER

How to play
This Shaman Rush Royale Coop deck runs Clock to boost your partner’s attack speed, and Summoner to fill your board quickly.
Early game
Merge Summoners with Mimes and quickly fill your board.
Clocks can help you avoid an early loss. Keep at least 2 on board just in case.
Let your teammate set up their board.
Summoner should now be merged with other Summoners because you will need your Mimes for other merges.
Just before a Boss and whenever you are being overwhelmed by mobs, merge your lowest rank Clock with a Mime or with another Clock (if no Mime is available). A low rank Clock merge will have the same effect as a high rank.
Late game
For the endgame, you want to have a lot of Clocks on your side. They will passively boost your teammate’s attack speed, and you will probably need a few Clock merges for the final boss(es).
My random teammate disconnected at around wave 35 (floor 12) but we managed to extract a victory!
C2. SHAMAN – Harlequin – Mime – CLOCK – CAULDRON

How to play
This Shaman Rush Royale Coop deck runs Clock to boost your partner’s attack speed, and Cauldron to provide you with more mana.
Early game
Use Harlequin to copy Cauldron. You can merge small Cauldrons and aim to have at least 2-3 big ones in the mid-game.
Clocks can help you avoid an early loss. Keep at least 2 on board just in case.
Let your teammate set up their board.
Try to have at least 2-3 big Cauldrons for mana production.
Just before a Boss and whenever you are being overwhelmed by mobs, merge your lowest rank Clock with a Mime or with another Clock (if no Mime is available). A low rank Clock merge will have the same effect as a high rank.
Late game
For the endgame, you want to have a lot of Clocks on your side. They will passively boost your teammate’s attack speed, and you will probably need a few Clock merges for the final boss(es).
A shoutout to Berticus my old clanmate, who did most of the work!
C3. SHAMAN – Harlequin – Mime – CLOCK – CHEMIST

How to play
This Shaman Rush Royale Coop deck runs Clock to boost your partner’s attack speed, and Chemist to weaken the enemies.
Early game
Use Harlequin to copy Clock and Shaman. You can merge small Chemists and aim to have at least 1 big one in the mid-game.
Clocks can help you avoid an early loss. Keep at least 2 on board just in case.
Try to make/keep at least 2 big Chemists for enemy weakening. One might get stunned, covered or removed.
Just before a Boss and whenever you are being overwhelmed by mobs, merge your lowest rank Clock with a Mime or with another Clock (if no Mime is available). A low rank Clock merge will have the same effect as a high rank.
Late game
For the endgame, you want to have a lot of Clocks on your side. They will passively boost your teammate’s attack speed, and you will probably need a few Clock merges for the final boss(es).
A shoutout to Berticus my clanmate, who did a great job!
C4. SHAMAN – Harlequin – Mime – CLOCK – EXECUTIONER

How to play
This Shaman Rush Royale Coop deck runs Clock to boost your partner’s attack speed, and Executioner to finish off enemies with low HP.
Early game
Use Harlequin to copy Clock and Shaman. You can merge small Executioners and aim to have 1-2 middle-sized ones in the mid-game.
Clocks can help you avoid an early loss. Keep at least 2 on board just in case.
Try to make/keep at least 2 big Executioners for enemy removal. One might get stunned, covered or removed.
Just before a Boss and whenever you are being overwhelmed by mobs, merge your lowest rank Clock with a Mime or with another Clock (if no Mime is available). A low rank Clock merge will have the same effect as a high rank.
Late game
For the endgame, you want to have a lot of Clocks on your side. They will passively boost your teammate’s attack speed, and you will probably need a few Clock merges for the final boss(es).
A shoutout to nightowl_ from my Twitch chat, who helped me with this game!
C5. SHAMAN – Harlequin – Mime – CLOCK – REAPER

How to play
This Shaman Rush Royale Coop deck runs Clock to boost your partner’s attack speed, and Reaper to eliminate the pesky little critters.
Early game
Quickly use Harlequin to copy Reapers and avoid an early loss.
You can merge your smaller Reapers and make/keep at least 3 middle-sized ones.
Clocks can also help you avoid an early loss. Keep a few on board.
Try to make/keep at least 3 big Reapers for enemy removal. One might get stunned, covered or removed.
Just before a Boss and whenever you are being overwhelmed by mobs, merge your lowest rank Clock with a Mime or with another Clock (if no Mime is available). A low rank Clock merge will have the same effect as a high rank.
Late game
For the endgame, you want to have a lot of Clocks on your side. They will passively boost your teammate’s attack speed, and you will probably need a few Clock merges for the final boss(es).
Another shoutout to nightowl_ from my Twitch chat, who carried me this game!
C6. SHAMAN – Harlequin – Mime – CLOCK – CORSAIR

How to play
This Shaman Rush Royale Coop deck runs Clock to boost your partner’s attack speed, and Corsair to help take down the bosses and ground mobs in general.
Early game
Quickly use Harlequin to copy Corsairs and avoid an early loss. Corsair is great for the first waves of mobs.
You can merge your smaller Corsairs and make/keep at least 3 middle-sized ones.
Clocks can also help you avoid an early loss. Keep a few on board.
Try to make/keep at least 3 big Corsairs for enemy removal. One might get stunned, covered or removed.
Just before a Boss and whenever you are being overwhelmed by mobs, merge your lowest rank Clock with a Mime or with another Clock (if no Mime is available). A low rank Clock merge will have the same effect as a high rank.
Late game
For the endgame, you want to have a lot of Clocks on your side. They will passively boost your teammate’s attack speed, and you will probably need a few Clock merges for the final boss(es).
Another shoutout to nightowl_ from my Twitch chat, who accepted to play this game with me!

How to play
This Shaman Rush Royale Coop deck runs Demonologist to give you and your teammate a lot of mana. Also, Summoner to help multiply your units and fill your board quickly.
Early game
Merge Summoners with Mimes and quickly fill your board. Summoner is great early on to give you more Demonologists.
Demonologist is great in the early game (and later on) when your teammate is starving for mana. Try to merge them between waves so that you don’t get overwhelmed with mobs.
Let your teammate set up their board.
In the middle and late game, merge Demonologist with Demonologist and Summoner with Summoner, since you will need your Mimes for merging with Shaman.
Late game
At this stage, your teammate’s units should be very high rank(6+).
A shoutout to Oreyos, a moderator from my Twitch chat, who played this game with me. Just like in the old days!

How to play
This Shaman Rush Royale Coop deck runs Demonologist to give you and your teammate a lot of mana. Also, Reaper to help speed up the game by eliminating the pesky little mobs. This way, your partner can focus on the bosses.
Early game
Quickly use Harlequin to copy Reapers and avoid an early loss. You can merge your smaller Reapers and make/keep at least 3 middle-sized ones.
Demonologist is great in the early game (and later on) when your teammate is starving for mana. Try to merge them between waves so that you don’t get overwhelmed with mobs.
Let your teammate set up their board.
Try to make/keep at least 3 big Reapers for enemy removal. One might get stunned, covered or removed.
In the middle and late game, merge Demonologist with Demonologist, since you will need your Mimes for merging with Shaman.
Late game
At this stage, your teammate’s units should be very high rank(6+).
Another shoutout to Oreyos, a moderator from my Twitch chat, who played this game with me. Not too shabby!

How to play
This Shaman Rush Royale Coop deck runs Demonologist to give you and your teammate a lot of mana. Also, Corsair as backup damage.
Early game
If needed, use Harlequin to copy a few Corsairs and avoid an early loss. You can merge your smaller Corsairs and keep at least 2 middle-sized ones.
Demonologist is great in the early game (and later on) when your teammate is starving for mana. It is good practice to merge them between waves so that you don’t get overwhelmed with mobs.
Let your teammate set up their board.
When your partner has set up, do not focus on making Corsairs or Demonologists; merging Shaman is much more important.
Try to keep at least 3 big Corsairs for enemy removal. One might get stunned, covered or removed.
In the middle and late game, merge Demonologist with Demonologist, since you will need your Mimes for merging with Shaman.
Late game
At this stage, your teammate’s units should be very high rank(6+).
Thanks to RadioactivePepe, the clanmate who beat floor 12 with me!
C10. SHAMAN – Harlequin – Mime – DEMONOLOGIST- CLOCK

How to play
This Shaman Rush Royale Coop deck runs Demonologist to give you and your teammate a lot of mana. Also, Clock to make your teammate attack faster.
Early game
Demonologist is great in the early game (and later on) when your teammate is starving for mana. It is good practice to merge them between waves so that you don’t get overwhelmed with mobs.
Let your teammate set up their board.
Clocks can help you avoid an early loss. Keep several on your board at all times.
Just before a Boss and whenever you are being overwhelmed by mobs, merge your lowest rank Clock with a Mime or with another Clock (if no Mime is available). A low rank Clock merge will have the same effect as a high rank.
When your partner has set up, do not focus on making Clocks or Demonologists; merging Shaman is much more important.
In the middle and late game, merge Demonologist with Demonologist, since you will need your Mimes for merging with Shaman.
Late game
For the endgame, you want to have a lot of Clocks on your side. They will passively boost your teammate’s attack speed, and you will probably need a few Clock merges for the final boss(es).
At this stage, your teammate’s units should be very high rank(6+).
Thanks to papiJUAN, the random player who completed this floor 12 with me!

How to play
This Shaman Rush Royale Coop deck runs Demonologist to give you and your teammate a lot of mana. Also, Chemist to weaken your enemies. You only need 1 Chemist, but it’s best to have at least 2 in case it gets stunned, covered or removed.
Early game
Demonologist is great in the early game (and later on) when your teammate is starving for mana. Try to merge them between waves so that you don’t get overwhelmed with mobs.
You can merge small Chemists and aim to have at least 1 big one in the mid-game.
Let your teammate set up their board.
When your partner has set up, do not focus on making Demonologists; merging Shaman is much more important.
In the middle and late game, merge Demonologist with Demonologist since you will need your Mimes for merging with Shaman.
Try to make/keep at least 2 big Chemists for enemy weakening.
Late game
At this stage, your teammate’s units should be very high rank(6+).
Thanks to 8Keeper8, my old clanmate who easily crushed floor 12 with a maxed out Monk! Wow!
If you like having a lot of mana to play with, this is the deck for you!

How to play
This Shaman Rush Royale Coop deck runs Demonologist to give you and your teammate a lot of mana. Cauldron gives you even more mana and depending on it’s level can slow enemies.
Early game
Use Harlequin to copy Demonologist and merge them with Mime so that your teammate can set up faster. Try to merge them between waves so that you don’t get overwhelmed with mobs.
You can merge smaller Cauldrons and aim to have at least 2 bigger ones in the mid-game.
Let your teammate set up their board.
When your partner has set up, do not focus on making Demonologists or Cauldrons; merging Shaman is much more important.
In the middle and late game, merge Demonologist with Demonologist since you will need your Mimes for merging with Shaman.
You want to have at least a couple of big Cauldrons to produce mana, while not taking up too much space on the board.
Late game
When played correctly, you should never run out of mana with this deck.
During the endgame, your teammate’s units should be very high rank(6+).
I want to thank Skyliife, a viewer from my Twitch chat who easily defeated floor 13 with their maxed out Tesla!

How to play
This Shaman Rush Royale Coop deck includes Demonologist to give you and your teammate a lot of mana.
Also, Executioner to finish off enemies that are low on HP (great vs bosses). You only need 1 Executioner, but it’s best to have at least 2 in case it gets stunned, covered or removed.
Early game
Use Harlequin to copy Demonologist and merge them with Mime so that your teammate can set up asap. Try to merge them between waves so that you don’t get overwhelmed with mobs.
You can merge small Executioners and aim to have at least 1 bigger one in the mid-game.
Let your teammate set up their board.
When your partner has set up, do not focus on making Demonologists; merging Shaman is much more important.
In the middle and late game, merge Demonologist with Demonologist since you will need your Mimes for merging with Shaman.
You want to have at least a couple of high rank Executioners to help with the waves and bosses.
During the endgame, your teammate’s units should be very high rank(6+).
Again, thanks to Skyliife, a Twitch viewer from my channel who easily beat floor 13 with their maxed out Tesla!
C14. SHAMAN – Harlequin – Mime – REAPER – CHEMIST

How to play
This Shaman Rush Royale Coop deck includes Reaper to help eliminate the smaller mobs. This allows the game to go faster. Chemist weakens all enemies(great vs bosses).
Early game
First, make several Reapers so that you don’t lose on the first wave(s).
You can merge small Reapers, but try to always have at least 3 bigger ones on board. One of them might get stunned, covered or removed.
Use Harlequin to copy Demonologist and merge them with Mime so that your teammate can set up asap. Try to merge them between waves so that you don’t get overwhelmed with mobs.
Let your teammate set up their board and wait for them to signal that they need help.
Middle game
When your partner has set up, do not focus on making Reapers; merging Shaman is much more important.
Use Harlequin mostly to copy Shaman, but sometimes other units.
Late game
Ideally, you want to have at least a couple of high rank Reapers (rank 5+) to help with the waves. This allows your teammate to focus their damage on the bosses.
You want at least a couple of big Chemists, in case one of them gets stunned, covered or removed. The bigger, the better.
During the endgame, your teammate’s units should be high rank(5+).
Shoutout to Skyliife, one of my Twitch viewers who easily passed floor 13 with their maxed out Tesla!
C15. SHAMAN – Harlequin – Mime – REAPER – SUMMONER
Destroy the pesky little critters with high rank Reapers!

How to play
This Shaman Rush Royale Coop deck has Reaper to eliminate the smaller mobs. This allows the game to go much faster. Summoner helps fill your board and quickly make large Reapers.
Early game
Focus on making several Reapers. A rank 2 is much better than a rank 1. Use Harlequin to copy Summoner and merge them with Mime. With a bit of luck, you will get bigger Reapers and avoid an early floor loss.
Let your teammate set up their board and wait for them to signal that they need help.
Middle game
When your partner has set up, do not focus on making Reapers; merging Shaman is much more important.
Use Harlequin mostly to copy Shaman, but sometimes other units. Support your teammate by merging Shaman.
You can merge your smaller Reapers and make/keep at least 3 big ones.
Late game
At this stage, you should have several high rank Reapers (rank 5+) to quickly eliminate the waves. This allows your teammate to focus their damage on the bosses.
During the endgame, your teammate’s units should be high rank(5+).
Shoutout to Oreyos, one of my Twitch chat moderators who ran Vampire for fun and beat floor 13 with their maxed Corsair! Can’t wait for Corsair talents!
C16. SHAMAN – Harlequin – Mime – REAPER – EXECUTIONER

How to play
This Shaman Rush Royale Coop deck includes Reaper to help eliminate the smaller mobs. This allows the game to go faster. Executioner finishes off enemies with low HP(great vs bosses).
Early game
Focus on making Reapers. Use Harlequin to copy Reaper so that you don’t lose on the first wave(s).
Let your teammate set up their board and wait for them to signal that they need help.
Middle game
When your partner has set up, do not focus on making Reapers; merging Shaman is much more important.
Use Harlequin mostly to copy Shaman, but sometimes other units.
You can merge your smaller Reapers and make/keep at least 3 bigger ones.
You can merge your smaller Executioners and make/keep at least 2 bigger ones.
Late game
Ideally, you want to have at least a couple of high rank Reapers(rank 5+) to help with the waves. This allows your teammate to focus their damage on the bosses.
You want at least a couple of big Executioners, in case one of them gets stunned or covered. The bigger the better.
During the endgame, your teammate’s units should be high rank(5+).
Shoutout to Onyx, a new Twitch streamer who was helping viewers at the time! I was his second follower!
C17. SHAMAN – Harlequin – Mime – REAPER – CORSAIR

How to play
This Shaman Rush Royale Coop deck includes Reaper to help eliminate the smaller mobs. This allows the game to go faster.
Corsair serves as backup damage and is good vs bosses. Both Reaper and Corsair are great at avoiding an early loss.
Early game
Focus on making Reapers and Corsairs. Use Harlequin to copy them so that you don’t lose on the first wave(s).
Let your teammate set up their board and wait for them to signal that they need help (Shaman).
Middle game
When your partner has set up, do not focus on making Reapers or Corsairs; merging Shaman is much more important.
Use Harlequin mostly to copy Shaman, but sometimes other units.
Late game
Ideally, you want to have at least a couple of high rank Reapers(rank 5+) to help with the waves. This allows your teammate to focus their damage on the bosses.
You want at least a couple of big Corsairs, the bigger, the better.
Try to merge any of your damage units that get Pudding on them.
Shoutout to Nightowl_, a Twitch viewer who was glad to help me!
C18. SHAMAN – Harlequin – Mime – CLOCK – WITCH

How to play
This Shaman Rush Royale Coop deck runs Clock to boost your partner’s attack speed, and Witch to boost their units’ damage output.
Early game
Clock can help you avoid an early loss. Keep several on board at all times.
Just before a Boss and whenever you are being overwhelmed by mobs, merge your lowest rank Clock with a Mime or with another Clock (if no Mime is available). A low rank Clock merge will have the same effect as a high rank.
Let your teammate set up their board and wait for them to signal that they need help (Shaman).
Remember to mana-rank your Witches up before merging them.
When your partner has set up, do not focus on making Witches or Clocks; merging Shaman is much more important.
In the middle and late game, merge Witch with Witch, since you will need your Mimes for merging with Shaman.
Late game
For the endgame, you want to have a lot of Clocks on your side. They will passively boost your teammate’s attack speed, and you will probably need a few Clock merges for the final boss(es).
Most, if not all, of your teammate’s damage units should have the Witch’s charm on them.
Yet again, thanks to Oreyos the Twitch streamer, for assisting me with this content!