Are you looking for a great PvP Deck for Rush Royale? Take a look at this list of very strong Rush Royale PvP decks I have made for you! I tried hundreds of deck variations, and many decks were tested multiple times. You can see my best results here, with screenshots and how-to-play info just one click away.

Many decks indicate the main unit’s talents. For example: (LLR).

Remember that it’s not just about winning or losing, but also about how much total damage we did.

Also, you may click the “See more” buttons for more decks, screenshots and how-to-play information!

More units/decks will be added from time to time. Have fun playing these PvP decks!

Created: June 2023

Last update: August 2023


A. PvP Level 15 BLADE DANCER Deck Rush Royale

blade dancer rush royale
  • A1. BLADE DANCER – Knight Statue – Portal Keeper – Scrapper – Dryad (LLR)
  • A2. BLADE DANCER – Knight Statue – Chemist – Scrapper – Dryad (LLR)
  • A3. BLADE DANCER – Harlequin – Portal Keeper – Sword – Dryad (RRR)
  • A4. BLADE DANCER – Harlequin – Portal Keeper – Trapper – Dryad (RRR)

B. PvP Level 9 CULTIST Deck Rush Royale

Cultist rush royale
  • B1. CULTIST – Harlequin – Portal Keeper – Dryad – Chemist
  • B2. CULTIST – Harlequin – Portal Keeper – Dryad – Trapper
  • B3. CULTIST – Harlequin – Portal Keeper – Dryad – Sword
  • B4. CULTIST – Harlequin – Portal Keeper – Dryad – Sharpshooter

C. PvP Level 10 INQUISITOR Deck Rush Royale

Inquisitor rush royale
  • C1. INQUISITOR – Scrapper – Dryad – Statue – Sharpshooter (R)
  • C2. INQUISITOR – Scrapper – Dryad – Statue – Trapper (R)
  • C3. INQUISITOR – Scrapper – Dryad – Statue – Chemist (L) or (R)
  • C4. INQUISITOR – Scrapper – Dryad – Trapper – Chemist (R)
  • C5. INQUISITOR – Scrapper – Dryad – Trapper – Banner (R)
  • C6. INQUISITOR – Keeper – Dryad – Sword – Trapper (L) or (R)
  • C7. INQUISITOR – Keeper – Dryad – Trapper – Chemist (R)
  • C8. INQUISITOR – Scrapper – Keeper – Statue – Sword (L) or (R)
  • C9. INQUISITOR – Scrapper – Keeper – Statue – Trapper (L) or (R)
  • C10. INQUISITOR – Scrapper – Keeper – Statue – Chemist (R)
  • C11. INQUISITOR – Scrapper – Keeper – Statue – Cauldron (L)
  • C12. INQUISITOR – Scrapper – Keeper – Sword – Trapper (R)
  • C13. INQUISITOR – Harlequin – Dryad – Sword – Trapper (R)
  • C14. INQUISITOR – Harlequin – Scrapper – Statue – Chemist (R)
  • C15. INQUISITOR – Scrapper – Cauldron – Statue – Chemist (R)
  • C16. INQUISITOR – Scrapper – Cauldron – Statue – Trapper (L)

D. PvP Level 10 MONK Deck Rush Royale

PvP Deck Rush Royale Screen Gameplay Monk
  • D1. MONK – Keeper – Scrapper – Dryad – Chemist (L)
  • D2. MONK – Keeper – Scrapper – Dryad – Sword (R)
  • D3. MONK – Keeper – Scrapper – Dryad – Chemist (R)
  • D4. MONK – Harlequin – Scrapper – Dryad – Sword (L)
  • D5. MONK – Harlequin – Scrapper – Dryad – Trapper (L)
  • D6. MONK – Keeper – Harlequin – Dryad – Sword (L)
  • D7. MONK – Keeper – Harlequin – Dryad – Bombardier (R)
  • D8. MONK – Harlequin – Dryad – Trapper – Bombardier (L)
  • D9. MONK – Scrapper – Dryad – Trapper – Cauldron (R)

E. PvP Level 15 ROGUE Deck Rush Royale

  • E1. ROGUE – Portal Keeper – Scrapper – Dryad – Statue 419M damage
  • E2. ROGUE – Scrapper – Dryad – Statue – Trapper 961M
  • E3. ROGUE – Portal Keeper – Dryad – Trapper – Chemist 434M
  • E4. ROGUE – Harlequin – Dryad – Statue – Trapper 526M
  • E5. ROGUE – Harlequin – Dryad – Statue – Chemist 458M+
  • E6. ROGUE – Harlequin – Dryad – Sword – Trapper 503M

F. PvP Level 9 BOREAS Deck Rush Royale

Boreas Rush Royale card unit
  • F1. BOREAS – Harlequin – Dryad – Grindstone – Trapper 569M damage
  • F2. BOREAS – Scrapper – Cauldron – Trapper – Chemist 566M
  • F3. BOREAS – Scrapper – Cauldron – Trapper – Reaper 573M+
  • F4. BOREAS – Dryad – Cauldron – Sword – Trapper 649M+ (beat Inquisitor 14)
  • F5. BOREAS – Dryad – Grindstone – Cauldron – Witch 123M+ (beat Cultist 11)
  • F6. BOREAS – Dryad – Grindstone – Trapper – Chemist 524M

G. PvP Level 14 DEMON HUNTER Deck Rush Royale

Demon Hunter Rush Royale
  • G1. DEMON HUNTER – Harlequin – Dryad – Sword – Mime 2.5B damage
  • G2. DEMON HUNTER – Harlequin – Dryad – Sword – Summoner 2.2B damage
  • G3. DEMON HUNTER – Scrapper – Sword – Mime – Trapper 2.5B damage
  • G4. DEMON HUNTER – Scrapper – Cauldron – Statue – Trapper 2.4B damage

Clan Tournament PLUNDER Deck Rush Royale

  • BLADE DANCER – Statue – Keeper – Scrapper – Dryad
  • CORSAIR – Executioner – Sharpshooter – Summoner – Harlequin (My Plunder Deck)
  • CRYSTALMANCER – Chemist – Cauldron – Harlequin – Dryad
  • CRYSTALMANCER – Trapper – Cauldron – Harlequin – Dryad
  • INQUISITOR – Banner – Sword – Harlequin – Dryad
  • INQUISITOR – Statue – Sword – Scrapper – Dryad

RUSH FOR GLORY Event Deck Rush Royale (all played in Leagues unless indicated)

  • BLADE DANCER – Dryad – Sword – Portal Keeper – Harlequin
  • BLADE DANCER – Statue – Dryad – Portal Keeper – Trapper
  • BLADE DANCER – Chemist – Dryad – Portal Keeper – Harlequin
  • BLADE DANCER – Harlequin – Dryad – Portal Keeper – Trapper
  • CULTIST – Chemist – Dryad – Portal Keeper – Frost
  • CULTIST – Dryad – Harlequin – Portal Keeper – Bombardier
  • CULTIST – Sword – Dryad – Portal Keeper – Mime
  • INQUISITOR – Sword – Dryad – Scrapper – Harlequin
  • INQUISITOR – Executioner- Dryad – Harlequin – Stasis
  • DEMON HUNTER – Sword – Dryad – Cold Mage – Harlequin
  • DEMON HUNTER – Chemist – Harlequin – Summoner – Trapper
  • MONK – Demonologist – Dryad – Portal Keeper – Trapper
  • MONK – Harlequin – Dryad – Portal Keeper – Scrapper
  • SHARPSHOOTER – Chemist – Harlequin – Bombardier – Dryad (Arena)
  • BRUISER – Grindstone – Priestess – Stasis – Chemist
  • BRUISER – Sword – Harlequin – Trapper – Dryad

MIRROR MATCH Event Deck Rush Royale (all played in Leagues unless indicated with 500%)

  • ALCHEMIST – Earth Elemental – Harlequin – Trapper – Dryad
  • ALCHEMIST – Earth Elemental – Harlequin – Demonologist – Dryad
  • BANSHEE – Earth Elemental – Trapper – Portal Keeper – Dryad
  • BANSHEE – Earth Elemental – Harlequin – Sword – Dryad
  • BLADE DANCER – Statue – Portal Keeper – Chemist – Scrapper
  • Witch – BOREAS – Hex – Frost – Dryad
  • BOREAS – Chemist – Plague Doctor – Bombardier – Vampire (500%)
  • BOREAS – Hex – Summoner – Demonologist – Harlequin
  • Shaman – BOREAS – Summoner – Harlequin – Mime
  • Shaman – BOREAS – Harlequin – Demonologist – Hex
  • BOREAS – Grindstone – Harlequin – Summoner – Dryad
  • Witch – BRUISER – Harlequin – Summoner – Mime
  • COLD ELEMENTAL – Cold Mage – Harlequin – Summoner – Dryad
  • CULTIST – Portal Keeper – Dryad – Harlequin – Chemist
  • DEMON HUNTER – Summoner – Dryad – Harlequin – Mime
  • ENGINEER – Dryad – Summoner – Harlequin – Mime
  • Shaman – Mime – ENGINEER – Harlequin – Summoner
  • GARGOYLE – Portal Keeper – Dryad – Harlequin – Sword
  • GARGOYLE – Portal Keeper – Dryad – Harlequin – Chemist
  • INQUISITOR – Hex – Dryad – Harlequin – Stasis
  • INQUISITOR – Stasis – Summoner – Harlequin – Demonologist
  • IVY – Poisoner – Earth Elemental – Cauldron – Dryad
  • METEOR – Cold Mage – Harlequin – Summoner – Mime
  • MONK – Portal Keeper – Harlequin – Summoner – Dryad
  • PRIESTESS – Dryad – Harlequin – Summoner – Mime
  • Shaman – Summoner – PRIESTESS – Mime – Harlequin
  • Sharpshooter – PRIESTESS – Harlequin – Summoner – Cauldron
  • ZEALOT – Dryad – Harlequin – Cauldron – Priestess
  • THUNDERER – Grindstone – Alchemist – Priestess – Harlequin (500%)

ROYAL TRIALS Event Deck Rush Royale

  • BLADE DANCER – Trapper – Portal Keeper – Harlequin – Dryad
  • BLADE DANCER – Sword – Portal Keeper – Harlequin – Dryad
  • ROBOT – Trapper – Demonologist – Harlequin – Mime
  • MONK – Portal Keeper – Harlequin – Dryad – Trapper
  • MONK – Portal Keeper – Mime – Harlequin – Dryad
  • DEMON HUNTER – Sword – Summoner – Harlequin – Dryad

PvP Deck Rush Royale, Tips & Info

Deck Rush Royale General Tips for PvP

  • Test new decks when you are low on trophies, such as when the season resets.
  • You can also test new decks in Co-Op dungeons.
  • Rank 1 units are very weak, and can be easily removed by negative effects. Rank 2 units are not much stronger, but will at least survive the Tribunal boss effect.
  • Don’t merge units very early unless you absolutely need to.
  • Merge unneeded and/or your lowest rank units first.
  • Don’t mana rank up weak units (rank 1-2). The lower their rank, the less effect it has.
  • Save a lot of mana before making risky changes to your board. Use your mana wisely.
  • In PvP, your saved mana cannot be stolen by a boss like it happens in Co-Op dungeons.
  • Watch streamers play. You can ask them questions too.
  • Remember to make and wear the best PvP equipment for your main damage unit.
  • Use a good PvP Hero, for example Lv5+Gadget or Trickster. Know when to activate your Hero, and don’t forget to.
  • The game matches PvP players according to their trophy level. At the season reset, you can get matched to much stronger players than yourself.
  • Over time, you will be able to see when you are clearly outmatched. To save time, you might even want to surrender the battle as soon as it starts, and start a new one. For example, if your opponent has 1000% more crit, their damage unit is 3 levels above yours, and they have a high win rate. Sometimes they have a trophy level that you have never even come close to. Sometimes their equipment is much better than yours, too.

PvP Deck Rush Royale Strength Preparation Tips

  • Play Co-Op dungeons and do quests for Gold. Use gold to level up your cards and increase your Critical Chance.
  • Use your gold efficiently. Only level up cards that you will actually use.
  • Visit the Shop 2–3 times daily. Reset as needed for even more purchase options.
  • Buy all legendary cards that appear in the shop. You will need a lot of Crystals to upgrade your legendary damage cards.
  • Don’t convert a legendary into a crystal unless you are absolutely sure. Most non-talent legendary cards will get talents in a future game update and become much stronger.
  • Identify the best non-legendary support units and buy them in the shop. Also buy all equipment fragments.

Other Units and Opponent Tips

  • Bombardier stuns the enemies and avoids several of the bosses’ abilities.
  • Chemist weakens enemies so we can eliminate them faster.
  • Executioner finishes off damaged enemies when they have low HP.
  • Trapper temporarily weakens and slows the enemies with his traps. He can keep you alive while the Virus wears off.
  • Sharpshooter stuns your opponent’s units after he kills a mini or main boss.
  • Sword buffs your units’ damage and critical chance. It can also debuff your enemy’s units. An awakened/active Sword (level 9+) will automatically apply its effect every 15 seconds (with the correct talent).
  • Remember that your opponent’s equipment can affect you. You can click on your opponent’s hero to see their equipment.

Final Thoughts

For a long time, I was scared of playing PvP and just played Co-Op all day. I would even avoid the Events. When I started streaming, I began to come out of my shell, take risks and try not to be so afraid of losing.

Losing is needed in order to learn and make progress, and practice will make you into a formidable player. “There is no failure, only learning”.

Since you are reading this page, it means you are serious about learning and are on the right track to being a great Rush Royale PvP player! See you in game!


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