Hi there, gamers, I’m glad to see you continue surviving! One of the most common questions when starting Vampire Survivors is how to beat Boss Rash? Well, on this page you will discover a simple answer to this question.
First, I will explain who Leda is and how to unlock her. Then, I will present build details and screenshots of how I defeated the Vampire Survivors Boss Rash stage in three different modes. Finally, I will present my conclusion.
Last update: October 2023
A. How to beat BOSS RASH with LEDA: HYPER Mode
B. How to beat BOSS RASH with LEDA: INVERSE Mode
C. How to beat BOSS RASH with LEDA: HYPER ENDLESS Mode
Who is LEDA?
Leda is a secret Vampire Survivors character that we can play with, once she is unlocked. She is also a concealed boss in the Gallo Tower stage.
With her +5 armor passive bonus, Leda specializes in taking small repetitive hits and staying alive. In other words, she is somewhat like a tank in an MMORPG. She also has +100% Might, which means she deals a ton of damage with her starting weapon, Holy Wand and others.
Her main downside is that she starts with -20% move speed, but it’s no biggie to be honest. You can run the Wings passive item in her builds if it is an issue for you.
How to unlock LEDA
Leda, like Red Death, is unlocked by defeating the character itself.
- Firstly, you want to select a strong, fast character, such as Red Death, Lama or Krochi. Next, select the Gallo Tower stage. If you need even more speed, you might want to activate Hyper mode.
- Move downwards through Gallo Tower for a long time until the stage becomes dark with just a spotlight. Advance south until the music stops. This signals that you are close to Leda.
- Keep moving down, passing about 4-5 ground pentagrams, and keep an eye open for Leda. When you finally encounter her, keep your distance because she hits like a truck. She is slow, so use your move speed to run circles around her and defeat her.
- At around the 25-minute mark, a dangerous Crab boss will appear, and it will also summon The Drowner, who will block your way south. Focus your damage on them with Thousand Edge and use other boss-killing weapons such as Holy Wand and Unholy Vespers to take them down.
- Once you kill Leda, the screen will light up again, you will hear a sound, and she will now be unlocked on your character selection screen.
A. How to beat BOSS RASH with LEDA: HYPER Mode
I had just beaten Boss Rash in normal mode with Leda, so I decided to make it a bit more difficult and play it in Hyper mode this time.
It went very well, and you can see my build and damage results in the images.
The following weapons are listed in the order that they were acquired:
1. Holy Wand (starting weapon evolution)
This is Leda’s standard weapon, and it’s a very good evolution that specializes in attacking bosses (while we run away)!
2. Clock Lancet
When I know I will be seeing bosses, I want to be able to slow, stun or freeze them as much as possible. This weapon freezes most of them (when it hits them), thus giving you more time to eliminate them.
3. Knife
Knife is a great boss killing weapon, because it focuses its damage wherever you point it. However, there are so many bosses in Boss Rash that maybe a stronger AOE weapon could be used. Just thinking out loud here.
4. Bloody Tear (Whip + Hollow Heart)
Its “swoosh” attacks heal you when they crit! Believe me, you will need healing when the enemy vertical and horizontal damage areas start appearing! Not to mention in the endgame when you get surrounded!
Passive Items:
Even though we don’t need it to evolve anything, Empty Tome (-cooldown) is too good to pass up.
Hollow Heart (+health) is needed to evolve Whip into Bloody Tear. Also, it makes us even tougher to kill.
Attractorb is great for picking up experience gems that are behind bosses or out of normal reach.
Duplicator is very good early on in a stage for adding projectiles to our weapons. We will not be evolving anything with it this time, though.
I like to run Wings (+move speed) with Leda, she is sloooow… It helps Leda move out of the enemy AOE damage zones.
And finally, Bracer (+projectile speed) is needed in case we evolve Knife. Additionally, it buffs our Holy Wand.
The stage only lasted 15 minutes, so the only evolution I was able to create was Bloody Tear.
B. How to beat BOSS RASH with Leda: Normal INVERSE Mode
Seeing that Leda did well in the previous Boss Rash Hyper run, I kept on going and tried a normal Inverse mode run.
Again, Leda proved to be a beast of a character, easily finishing the stage.
The following weapons are listed in the order that they were acquired.
1. Holy Wand (starting weapon evolution)
This weapon evolution is fantastic at knocking back enemies, even most of the bosses.
2. King Bible
It was offered to me early on, so I decided to run this superb offensive and defensive weapon.
3. Knife
Knife is becoming a staple in many of my builds, not just for Leda.
4. Clock Lancet
Clock did well in my last Boss Rash run, so I played it safe and took it again.
5. Bloody Tear (Whip + Hollow Heart)
Whip is not that great, but Bloody Tear is something else! On one hand, it deals focused damage, on the other, some much-needed healing.
Passive Items
Wings helps Leda move her massive bulk much faster. Great for getting out of tight spots.
Attractorb is my favorite passive item.
Hollow Heart gives Leda more health and is also needed for the Bloody Tear evolution.
Bracer is mostly for evolving Knife, but buffs Knife and our starting weapon, too.
C. How to beat BOSS RASH with Leda: HYPER ENDLESS Mode
So at this point, I have beaten Boss Rash in the normal, hyper and normal inverse modes, and I’m feeling good about myself!
It was time for a hyper endless Boss Rash run. I didn’t know what to expect or how long I would last, all I knew was that Leda is awesome against bosses.
I made sure this endless run wouldn’t go on for hours (never again) like one of my other character runs, because this time I did not activate Limit Break.
1. Holy Wand (starting weapon evolution)
One of the best boss killing evolutions, right from the get-go.
2. Fuwalafuwaloo (Bloody Tear + Vento Sacro)
I hadn’t planned on running this evolution, but Vento Sacro was offered to me, and I took the opportunity to make my build even stronger.
3. La Borra (Santa Water + Attractorb)
Although limited by the stage area, La Borra still does a great job at softening up the bosses before they get to me.
4. NO FUTURE (Runetracer + Armor)
This weapon and its evolution seemed like a good choice due to the confined stage area. In Boss Rash, NO FUTURE has many walls to bounce off of.
5. Pentagram
If you are wondering how to beat Boss Rash, run Pentagram. It instantly kills most bosses on each activation. Just remember to select it late in the stage, and to level it up as soon as possible so that it stops deleting all your drops too.
6. Thousand Edge (Knife + Bracer)
This is one of the main evolutions for this Boss Rash build, due to its never-ending barrage of focused damage wherever we direct it. It’s especially useful for attacking The Drowner.
Passive Items
Luckily, I was offered Attractorb (+magnet) early, and I pounced on it because it helps me pick up experience and level up much faster.
Here’s one I usually don’t run in my builds, Armor (+defense). I chose it because Runetracer (the other part of NO FUTURE) does well in closed spaces, and also because we will be getting hit a lot. Armor proved to be a great choice when I was playing underwater, with very little damage to Leda.
It performed well in my previous runs, so why not run Bracer again?
Hollow Heart gives me more HP and also evolves Whip into Bloody Tear.
Duplicator gives more projectiles to all of my weapons except Pentagram.
Last but not least, Empty Tome (-weapon cooldown) was the last passive item I added to this Boss Rash Leda build. One of the best in Vampire Survivors.
Final Thoughts
Leda is a beast! She has great passive bonuses and a powerful starting weapon. Her downside is her move speed, but we can compensate that by running Wings if needed. Leda is the perfect answer for when you wonder how to beat Boss Rash.
I discovered that The Drowner doesn’t automatically kill me if I go underwater. What a surprise it was to learn that having plenty of armor can keep Leda alive.
I’m excited to try Leda in other modes and stages, and explore her full potential!
I hope you enjoyed this content!